
Take a resolution, make it happen :)

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

                                                                                                 -  Albert Einstein

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right ;)  
Hope everyone is excited about their "New Year Resolution", again!! 
Well ,  as a part of my resolution for this year, I am going to adapt a proper vegetarian diet( (By the way, I'm already "a kind of" Vegetarian :) ) and also going to motivate my friends to adapt the same for the sake of their body , mind and off-course "The Mother Earth" :) 
You must be wondering about my unusual whim for supporting vegetarianism among the people I care for and some of my friends might also be skeptical about my motivation behind this resolution. To make the whole story short, I just went through some facts and figures on how eating meat and other non-veg stuffs  can be harmful for not only our body but also to nature and believe me I was shocked after knowing about its dark side!! ( I researched to confirm and guess what? ALL THE FACTS WERE 100% TRUE!!!) 
I am sharing some of those surprising facts that made me do all this :
  • Water Conservation : On an average, Growing 1 Kg of tomatoes needs 174 litres of water (and that's too much!!) but 1 Kg of Chicken requires 6170 ltrs and 1 kg of beef needs 39000 litres!!!!!!!!!! (OMG) . I hope my point is clear - "If everyone becomes vegetarian then there will be plenty of fresh water conserved". And to your surprise, even if a vegetarian person opens bathroom shower for 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year then also he is spending less amount of water than a non- veg person (so all vegetarians can have longer baths for sure ;) ).
  • Food for many, many more people: The most disappointing fact today is that more than 21000 people die of starvation every day and that is not because they are poor, it's because they don't get the food when they are hungry :( (if you have ever felt hunger than imagine how can it be to die with starvation! ) . Another surprising fact is that if even only 4% of the Earth's population (that's equal to the population of America) went vegetarian, there will be enough food available for 1.4 billions people!!!!! (Wondering how?? keep reading to know the answer) Can you imagine what would be the effect if everyone went vegetarian :) ??
  • More space to live : Feeding livestock (farm animals) requires a lot of land to grow grass and feed them. On an average yearly basis, if cabbage is grown in 2.5 acres of land then it produces sufficient energy for 23 people, potatoes grown on the same size of land can produce energy for 22 people, wheat for 15 people and to your wonderful surprise , feeding chickens on the same piece of land produces energy need for only 2 people! and beef or egg, only 1 person!!!Around 51% of the Earth's surface is being used for feeding livestock!! That brings me to another awesome conclusion that if all of us become vegetarian then there would be less land utilized for livestock feeding and  there would be a lot of land(really a lot of!) to make homes & live and subsequently land prices will also drop!! 
  • Grow little Richer : Well this is fact that vegetarian food is much, much cheaper than the so called "tasty" non vegetarian food and trust if you really wanna be rich then becoming a vegetarian is the best deal you can have!!
  • Better Health results : From the "Meatless Tuesdays" trend (ha ha, it's so funny :D )to a recent scientific study, it was found that veggies have a lower risk of dying from heart disease,Gallstones, Kidney Stones, and Osteoporosis and some other common concerns.. And for good reason, besides of adding fresh fruits and vegetables to you diet, a meatless diet can be better for the environment and lighter on your wallet. Moreover , it’s never been so hard, especially in India, to find delicious vegetarian and even vegan meals in restaurants.

Stop eating meat, tell others to stop eating it, please, for yourself and for the planet. Being at the top of the foodchain doesn't gives us the license to eat the foodchain!! Its our duty to take care of the foodchain, have compassion for innocent animals, look somewhere in you heart whether you can speak up for those who have no voice to speak.....

To be honest, it's always good to like and share posts if it helps you in anyway but its anyways better to follow what you have just earned :) 

Best wishes and have a healthy future!! :)